Vietnam e-Visa
Hello, avid travelers around the world. If you’re looking at a trip to Vietnam and want to save the time for your trip, one of the best choices that you can’t ignore is a Vietnam e-Visa.
What is Vietnam e-Visa ?
Vietnam e-visa or Vietnam electronic visa is an electronic travel document that allows foreign visitors to enter and travel within Vietnam for a specific period of time. People holding E-visas can stay in Vietnam for up to 90 days continuously starting from the day they first enter the country. This applies to both single and multiple entries, and individuals from all countries and territories are eligible for it.
Required documents for Vietnam e-Visa
- Your ID;
- Your address in Home country;
- Your contact in Home country;
- Your address in Vietnam;
- Your contact in Vietnam;
- Have you been to Vietnam in the last one years? If yes, when?
- How long will you want to stay in Vietnam?
- Detail of previous Vietnam’s Visa;
- Your temporary address in Vietnam;
- Your occupation;
- Your purpose to visit Vietnam;
- Visa Single or Multi/ Type of Visa;
- Time and Port of entry/exit;
- Portrait images under .jpg format (4×6 and non-glasses);
- Photo of your passport information page under .jpg format (The passport validity is at least 6 months;)
Who can get Vietnam e-visa?
The government released Resolution No. 127, which allows citizens of all countries and territories to obtain an e-Visa when entering Vietnam, starting from August 15th. The following is a roster of countries that meet the criteria for e-visa eligibility.
Afghanistan | Gibraltar | Norway |
Albania | Greece | Oman |
Algeria | Greenland | Pakistan |
Andorra | Grenada | Palau |
Angola | Guatemala | Palestine |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guinea | Panama |
Argentina | Guinea-Bissau | Papua New Guinea |
Armenia | Guyana | Paraguay |
Australia | Haiti | Peru |
Austria | Holy See (Vatican City State) | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | Honduras | Poland |
Bahamas | Hungary | Portugal |
Bahrain | Iceland | Qatar |
Bangladesh | India | Republic of Korea |
Barbados | Indonesia | Romania |
Belarus | Iran Ilasmic Republic of | Russian Federation |
Belgium | Iraq | Rwanda |
Belize | Ireland | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Benin | Israel | Saint Lucia |
Bermuda | Italy | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Bhutan | Jamaica | Samoa |
Bolivia | Japan | San Marino |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Jordan | Sao Tome and Principe |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Saudi Arabia |
Brazil | Kenya | Scotland |
British India Ocean Territoryia | Kiribati | Senegal |
Brunei | Korea Democratic Peoples Republic of | Serbia |
Bulgaria | Kosovo | Seychelles |
Burkina Faso | Kuwait | Sierra Leone |
Burundi | Kyrgyzstan | Singapore |
Cambodia | Lao Peoples Democratic Republic | Slovakia |
Cameroon | Latvia | Slovenia |
Canada | Lebanon | Solomon Islands |
Cape Verde | Lesotho | Somalia |
Central African Republic | Liberia | South Africa |
Chad | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Spain |
Chile | Liechtenstein | Sri Lanka |
China (Include: Hong Kong, Ma Cao) | Lithuania | Sudan |
China (Taiwan) | Luxembourg | Suriname |
Colombia | Macedonia The former Yugoslav of | Swaziland |
Comoros | Madagascar | Sweden |
Congo | Malawi | Switzerland |
Costa Rica | Malaysia | Syrian Arab Republic |
Cote d’ Ivoire | Maldives | Tajikistan |
Croatia | Mali | Tanzania United Republic of |
Cuba | Malta | Thailand |
Cyprus | Marshall Islands | Timor Leste |
Czech Republic | Mauritania | Togo |
Denmark | Mauritius | Tonga |
Djibouti | Mexico | Trinidad and Tobago |
Dominica | Micronesia Federated States of | Tunisia |
Dominican Republic | Moldova | Turkey |
Ecuador | Monaco | Turkmenistan |
Egypt | Mongolia | Tuvalu |
El Salvado | Montenegro | Uganda |
Equatorial Guinea | Montserrat | Ukraine |
Eritrea | Morocco | United Arab Emirates |
Estonia | Mozambique | United Kingdom British Citizen |
Ethiopia | Myanmar | United States |
Fiji | Namibia | Uruguay |
Finland | Nauru | Uzbekistan |
France | Nepal | Vanuatu |
Gabon | Netherland | Venezuela |
Gambia | New Zealand | Yemen |
Georgia | Nicaragua | Zambia |
Germany | Niger | Zimbabwe |
Ghana | Nigeria |
Vietnam eVisa Ports of Entry
Vietnam’s eVisa system offers travelers a convenient way to obtain entry authorization for the country’s 42 international entry and exit ports. These ports include airports, land borders, and seaports, allowing for seamless travel to and from Vietnam. (Check Vietnam e-Visa Ports)
How to obtain e-Visa
You can apply it on your own via Vietnam Immigration Department website and follow scrupulously the instruction to get it. In case you do not have time, our devoted service support is all set to run. Here are steps
1. Fill information in the sample on our website and upload your photo;
2. Payment according to our instructions (Service fee and Government fee);;
3. Receive e-Visa from our email within 4-6 working days;
4. Print the e-Visa and present when boarding and landing.
Vietnam e-Visa Cost 2025
Vietnam visa cost through our website will include: Government fees and Consultant service fees.
Type of eVisa | Processing Time | |||
4 – 6 working days | Guarantee 4 working days | |||
1 month single entry | 55 | Contact Us | ||
1 month multiple entry | 95 | Contact Us | ||
3 months single entry | 70 | Contact Us | ||
3 months multiple entry | 110 | Contact Us |
Processing Time
Regarding the time it takes to process, a Vietnam eVisa typically requires 4-6 working days to complete under normal conditions. Nevertheless, during public holidays, processing times may be extended due to the higher number of applications received. Processing time does not include Saturday, Sunday and Vietnamese public holidays.
Usually, it takes 4-6 days for you to get Vietnam e-Visa. However, time zone (GMT+7) and holidays in Vietnam are needed to pay attention, owing to the fact that it can affect your plan.
Many applicants experience visas face application delays due to incorrect in the information they submitted on the official website, such as low-quality photos or full name that do not comply with ICAO guidelines. To ensure a processing time, it is recommended that you carefully double-check all the information in your e-visa application.
If you require a quicker visa processing time, you can choose an Urgent or Emergency service that can process your visa within 4-8 working hours. This Emergency service is perfect for travelers who need their visa urgently and cannot wait for the normal processing time.
Good luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply for an e-Visa Vietnam on behalf of someone else?
Yes, you can apply for an e-Visa on behalf of someone else as long as you have their personal information and a copy of their passport.
What should I do if my e-Visa is refused?
If your e-Visa application is refused, you should contact the Vietnamese embassy or consulate in your country for further information.
Can I apply for an e-Visa at the Vietnamese border?
No, e-Visas can only be applied for online.
What is the difference between a single-entry e-Visa and a multiple-entry e-Visa?
A single-entry e-Visa allows you to enter Vietnam once, while a multiple-entry e-Visa allows you to enter Vietnam multiple times within the validity period of the e-Visa.
Can I extend my Vietnam e-Visa?
No, e-Visas cannot be extended.
How much does an Vietnam e-Visa cost?
The cost of an e-Visa depends on your nationality and the type of e-Visa you are applying for. Vietnam Single-entry e-Visas cost US$25, while multiple-entry e-Visas cost US$50.
What are the requirements for applying for an e-Visa?
To apply for a Vietnam e-Visa, you typically need the following requirements:
- A valid passport with at least six months validity from the date of entry.
- A digital copy of your passport’s bio page.
- A recent passport-sized photo taken against a white background.
- A valid email address to receive your e-Visa approval letter.
- A valid credit or debit card for payment of the visa fee.
- Details of your travel itinerary, such as flight tickets and accommodation reservations.
- Basic personal information such as name, date of birth, nationality, etc.
Please note that the requirements may vary slightly depending on the specific type of e-Visa you are applying for and your country of citizenship. It’s recommended to check the official website of the Vietnam Immigration Department for the most up-to-date information.
How long does it take to process an e-Visa application?
E-Visa applications are usually processed within 4-6 working days. However, during peak seasons, processing time may take longer.
What is the validity period of an e-Visa?
The validity period of a single-entry or multiple-entry e-Visa up to 90 days from the date of arrival in Vietnam.
Who needs an e-Visa to enter Vietnam?
Citizens of countries with visa exemption agreements with Vietnam do not need an e-Visa. All other nationalities require an e-Visa.